Monday, February 11, 2013

Rain rain go away!

Today has been a boring day! Was planning to hit the pool again and work on my tan but it has been pretty foggy and raining... :-( transferring to another hotel tomorrow, hope the sun is shining there! ;p 
So there's not much to do when the weather is like this but going back to sleep ^_^ night!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


I'm finally back in Cebu! Haven't been here in such a long time... Feels a bit weird cuz I'm so use to finding my way around in Manila, but now here in Cebu, I'm totally lost! I'm here with my dad and he's not much of a guide because he hasn't been here in Cebu since early 90's..
Started my day with a bigass breakfast, the breakfast buffet. Then me and my dad walked to the mall to buy some sunblock.. Whenever I leave my house there's always something I forget... Either my phone, wallet, panties or my brain hahaha.. No but I'm very forgetful and it's so hard for me to always check that I have everything with me... So this time it was sunblock, so we went to buy some then it was off to the pool :-) I didn't wanna overkill and get burned the first day here so I was only tanning for maybe an hour or two.. And swimming a lot too.. Oh and then we took a taxi to Ayala mall and had late lunch at Fridays.. I'm getting so tired already, gonna sleep early.. What I'm writing right now might sound weird cuz it's kinda jumpy.. But good night :p

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Time flies by! It's already feb 2!! And I can be honest, my New Years resolution about being healthy and workout more...? Sorry need to change that...

Weirdest and stupidest thing happened to me today.. I was taking a powernap on my couch, then the doorbell rings and its the waterboy. My first reaction was to say I didn't call for any delivery of water, then he goes no, I need the tank. And I'm like, are you serious?!!??!! No, im not finished with the water, ill call you when i need to replace it!
How rude isn't that???!!! Of him to come to My house and ask for the freaking water tank?!!!
Then he said - Oh ill come back tom na lang..
So I go - No, I haven't even opened the water tanks I got from you since I haven't even finished the old one, and I'm not gonna finish it by tom either!!!

What's going on with people?! I buy water from his water store and now he wants my water tank?!!
Well lets see if he comes back tom.. What a great service!

Off to sleep now